Welcome to the Pisgah area.  Located near flat meandering  river valleys,  rugged vertical terrain, and mid-atlantic latitudes it offers numerous fishing opportunities squeezed into a small geographic area. 

Pisgah Outdoors - Fly Fishing Pisgah National Forest, Asheveille, Brevard, North Carolina, Pisgah Outdoors

Fighting a solid fish on the Davidson River in Pisgah National Forest, Brevard, North Carolina

The Davidson RIver

Loved and hated by many the Davidson is a category unto itself.  Known as one of the most technical stretches of water in the South East, and for that matter probably anywhere, it will test the skills, patience, and temper of any angler who steps into its glassy slicks and twisted riffles.  It is also home to some major trout and a perfect environment for anglers who love the challenge of educated and persnickety fish.  

Pisgah Outdoors - Fly Fishing and Mountain Bikes in Pisgah National Forest

Biking in to to fish a backcountry stream in Pisgah National Forest, Brevard, North Carolina


Pisgah National Forest is known for its rugged terrain and world class single track. Many of these trails eventually follow the course of a local creek or river. Some of the more off the beaten path waters in Pisgah can be accessed quickly with the use of a bike. What would take a good portion of a hike to get to is a quick ride in and out leaving more of the day for fishing. Getting the blood pumping and the stoke high before the fishing even begins is also a plus to this kind of trip.

Pisgah Outdoors - Brook Trout Fly Fishing Fiber Glass Rod Brevard, North Carolina, Pisgah National Forest

Fishing for small stream backcountry brook trout in Pisgah National Forest

BackCountry Fishing

The true gem of Pisgah.  These are wild fish in wild places.  Some streams can be accessed via a dirt forest service road while others require a short or significant hike.  The fish here tend to be smaller and much more spooky, with stealth and presentation being of utmost importance.  The scenery is what you imagined when some one said the words "trout stream."   A day wading up a small stream catching wild fish on a dry-dropper rig is a day that leaves you with heavy legs and a light heart. 


Winter Post Spawn Brown Trout

Winter Post Spawn Brown Trout

After sexy time is done, feeding time is on. These fish are rarely seen in the river system (unless your’e fishing eggs on redds), but always there. These fish have a lot of weight to replenish after their spawning runs and are up for eating big loud streamers on 8 weight rods.


Smallmouth bass in the French Broad River, Asheville, North Carolina

River Smallmouth

A voracious predator.  Hailed many times over in fishing publications, presentations, and bloviations as "the hardest fighting fish in freshwater".  Thats a subjective observation but they do pull, and then pull some more, then they pull again.  They'll give a 6wt fly rod all it can handle, and feel appropriate on an 8. 


Musky from the French Broad River near Brevard, North Carolina

Winter Musky

For the hardiest of the hardy and dedicated fly fishermen. A tendency towards masochism and a love of type 3 fun helps. Click the link below to learn more about targeting Musky on the fly.