THE VENT…A Kind of Sorta Fishing Blog
September Fly Fishing on The French Broad River
Asheville, North Carolina
As summer fades with the lengthening of shadows, cool mornings and hot dry afternoons predominate the weather patterns in the Southern Appalachian mountains surrounding Asheville, North Carolina. From these mountains flow cold streams teeming with brook, brown, and rainbow trout. As the streams leave their heights and flow down into the French Broad valley trout give way to warmer water species such as Musky and Smallmouth Bass.
Fishing and Fly Fishing Asheville in August
Asheville, North Carolina
Situated at an almost perfect location to be a jumping off point to fish almost anywhere in Western North Carolina or East Tennessee; Asheville offers the visiting or resident angler multiple angling opportunities year round. In the month of August when the heat in the lower elevations has become oppressive a stay in Asheville allows an angler the amenities of town, while being in proximity to the tail waters of East Tennessee and the cooler higher elevations found nearby.
There Your Heart Will Be Also
Growth and advancement in a leisure activity is at its core useless and wasteful. What benefit do we, those we love, society, the greater world around us, derive from a dedication to growth and progression in the sport of fly fishing?
Empty Rivers, Feeding Fish, and Self Care
As a fishing guide I have a hard time arguing when folks tell me Ive got it easy. When I consider the daily lives of others; especially my customers and clients who range from blue collar savants (Im thinking of a particular plumber), to professional class doctors, lawyers, and investment bankers, to the folks climbing the ladder at giant corporate monoliths, grinding it out daily in the stale air of an office building in a nearby metropolitan area; I realize I have little to complain about and a great deal to appreciate about my chosen “career path.”
Fishing The Davidson River: A Guide's Insight
Nestled in the lush landscape of the Pisgah National Forest in Western North Carolina, the Davidson River emerges as a beacon for fly fishing enthusiasts. Renowned for its crystal-clear waters and robust trout population, the Davidson offers a serene yet challenging fishing environment. This river, winding through a vibrant ecosystem, provides an ideal setting for both novice and experienced anglers seeking a quintessential fly fishing experience.
Pisgah Mountain Biking: A Guide to the Trails of Pisgah
Nestled in the heart of Western North Carolina, deep within the Appalachian Mountains, Pisgah National Forest stands as a mountain biking paradise, attracting riders from across the globe. Spanning over half a million acres, this vast expanse of wilderness serves as a backdrop for some of the most exhilarating and diverse mountain biking trails in the United States. The allure of Pisgah lies not just in its extensive trail network but in the unique character each path offers, from smooth, flowing singletracks to challenging, rocky descents.
Trout Fishing Asheville NC: The Ultimate Guide
If you're on the hunt for top-notch trout fishing, look no further than Asheville, North Carolina. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western North Carolina, Asheville offers a variety of creeks, rivers and streams teeming with trout. The area is home to three main types of trout: Rainbow, Brook, and Brown trout. Each comes with its own set of challenges and rewards, making trout fishing Asheville NC a dynamic experience for all fly anglers. Local knowledge is your best friend here.
The Interview
I didn’t sleep at all last night. I mean I slept, but I didn’t. It started with the usual tossing and turning and trying not to think about what I was in for the next day. Trying not to wonder if the fish were going to bite, if I had everything I needed, if I was going to hit that “fuck you rock” at the bottom of the rapid and throw the customer from the boat. Finally I drifted off only to wake in a panic that I had missed my alarm before realizing I had hours more of night ahead of me. I did the wake and panic a few more times before looking at the clock and noticing that my alarm was fifteen minutes away. I rolled out of bed, aborted the alarm moments before its short life ever began, wandered into the kitchen and pressed start on the coffee maker three minutes before it was set to start brewing, ten minutes before my alarm.
What Is The Perfect Rod For Trout Fishing? And Why Is It a 6 Weight.
Put simply: Your 10 foot 3 weight is probably not going to perform well at casting a fly line, especially if its a little windy. It is the mass that makes a fly rod work, not the speed, and it is this mass that we rely on to correct drifts by “mending” with out disturbing our fly. Mending happens both in the air and on the water. A mend in the air is technically a specialty cast and a topic for another time. A mend on the water can, and should, be performed by even a novice fly angler.
There are tons of details and intricacies that need to happen once the fly is on the water, and the fish is still unaware of your presence, but until that first task is completed well, the rest is moot.