THE VENT…A Kind of Sorta Fishing Blog

Trout, Fly Fishing, How To Pisgah Outdoors, Inc. Trout, Fly Fishing, How To Pisgah Outdoors, Inc.

What Is The Perfect Rod For Trout Fishing? And Why Is It a 6 Weight.

Put simply: Your 10 foot 3 weight is probably not going to perform well at casting a fly line, especially if its a little windy. It is the mass that makes a fly rod work, not the speed, and it is this mass that we rely on to correct drifts by “mending” with out disturbing our fly. Mending happens both in the air and on the water. A mend in the air is technically a specialty cast and a topic for another time. A mend on the water can, and should, be performed by even a novice fly angler.

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